Eye-deology Vision Care: Edmonton Optometrists, Opticians and Eyewear

Our Eye Exam Pre-Testing: Thoroughness Is Essential

Our north Edmonton eye clinic specializes in eye care and prescription eyewear. Schedule an appointment with us today, and you will see how and why our Edmonton eye exams are considered one of the most thorough, comprehensive, advanced, and personalized available. Visit our optometrists and opticians at our Edmonton clinic today, and you will see how professional patient-first personalized eye care and eyewear enables you to be your very best. An eye exam today will better equip you to see the future!

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Call Our Edmonton Eye Care Clinic Today

  • Experienced Edmonton Optometrists: When it comes to providing healthcare, there is no substitute for experience and know-how.
  • Personalized Care: Every person and every eye is unique. We customize eye care based on the needs of our patients.
  • A Professional Team That Cares: Eye care requires a team effort. Every one of our professionals contributes to patient care and service.
  • State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Technology: Technologies promote the early detection of diseases causing irreversible vision loss.
  • Thoroughness: Patient-first service that dedicates the time, resources, and know-how to provide world-class eye care.
  • Patient Education: Our eye care professionals make every visit a friendly, informative learning experience.

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Eye Exams: Medical History

Pre-testing is a detailed process that gathers all necessary information for the optometrist in advance of the optometrist-administered eye examination. This process involves completing a detailed patient history, as well as a series of standard tests. Pre-testing is an essential part of the comprehensive eye exam process, providing valuable information and visuals for both the optometrist and the patient.

Information gained by asking specific questions, either of the patient or their caregivers, to obtain information useful in formulating a diagnosis and providing medical care to the patient. The medically relevant complaints reported by the patient are referred to as symptoms, in contrast with clinical signs, which are ascertained by direct examination. The medical history, together with the physical examination, enables the optometrist to form a diagnosis and treatment plan.

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Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Medical History

An autorefractor is a computer-controlled machine used during an eye examination to provide an objective measurement of a person's refractive error and prescription for glasses or contact lenses. It achieves this by measuring how light is changed as it enters a person's eye. Auto-refraction is used to provide the starting point for the optometrist in subjective refraction tests.

Schedule Eye Exam
Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Autorefracting determines the prescription of your current glasses

Keratometry is the measurement of the corneal curvature; corneal curvature determines the power of the cornea. Differences in optical power across the cornea results in astigmatism, so keratometry measures astigmatism. A keratometer is the diagnostic instrument used to perform keratometry and to assess the extent and axis of astigmatism.

Schedule Eye Exam
Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Keratometry: Measuring The Curvature of the Cornea

Corneal pachymetry is the process of measuring the thickness of the cornea. A pachymeter is a medical device used to measure the thickness of the eye's cornea. Uses of the device include performing corneal pachymetry in advance of refractive surgery, screening for Keratoconus, and screening for patients suspected of developing glaucoma.

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Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Pachymetry: measuring corenal thickness

A tonometry test measures the intraocular pressure (IOP), or pressure inside your eye. This test checks for glaucoma, an eye disease that can cause blindness by damaging the optic nerve in the back of the eye. Tonometry measures IOP by evaluating the resistance of your cornea to pressure. A non-contact tonometry test uses a puff of air to create pressure against your cornea.

Schedule Eye Exam
Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Tonometry: Measuring eye pressure

A visual field test detects dysfunction in central and peripheral vision due to medical conditions such as glaucoma, stroke, brain tumours, or other neurological deficits. FDT stands for the Frequency Doubling Technology deployed during the test. During a visual field test, flickering targets randomly appear to the patient. Patients click a button each time they see a target.

Schedule Eye Exam
Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Visual Field Screening: assessing peripheral vision

If a patient currently wears eyeglasses and the prescription of the lenses is unknown by the patient nor the doctor, then lensometry will be performed. A lensometer determines the sphere, cylinder, axis, and prism present in each lens. It also determines the focal power in multi-vision lenses (e.g., bifocals).

Schedule Eye Exam
Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Lensometry: measuring the current eyeglass lens prescription

A colour blind test determines if you have a colour vision deficiency, or colour blindness. The most widely used screening test for colour blindness is the Ishihara Colour Vision Test, named after Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara. The Ishihara Colour Vision Test consists of a series of coloured plates comprising many dots of various colours, brightness, and sizes. The composition of circles enables a person with normal colour vision to see a single-digit or two-digit number, while a colour blind person will not.

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Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Colour Test: assessing for presence of colour blindness

Stereoscopic vision and depth perception testing is important for identifying diseases, such as amblyopia, strabismus, suppression, and stereopsis. Stereoscopic vision refers to how each eye may see an object from different angles but combines these angles to provide a three-dimensional image. During a stereoscopic vision test, the patient tries to identify the "raised" letter, shape, or animal as a means to measure depth perception and to evaluate if the patient's eyes are working together.

Schedule Eye Exam
Our Edmonton Eye Exams - Stereoscopic Vision Test: assessing depth perception

Looking For Exceptional Glasses?
How We Craft The Best Glasses In Edmonton

For Albertans between of the ages of 0-18 (i.e., children) and 65+ (i.e., seniors), Alberta Health Services covers the cost of one comprehensive eye exam per year along with all medically necessary examinations (e.g., infections, foreign body removal, sudden vision changes, etc.). For Albertans between the ages of 19-64 (i.e., Adults), only medically necessary optometric exams are covered by Alberta Health Services. Adult comprehensive eye exams typically range between $90-160, depending on the number and type of tests/digital scans performed, the advanced technologies (e.g., retinal photography and Optical Coherence Tomography) used to assess patient ocular health, examination length, and overall thoroughness. Several additional tests and scans are required for contact lens wearers and for those that have had corrective eye surgery; therefore additional fees apply.

Depending on the clinic, the number and type of tests/scans performed, the advanced technologies used to assess patient eye health, and thoroughness of the optometrist, an eye exam (including all pre-testing) can take between 10-60 minutes to perform.

Given that individuals only have two eyes, that eye diseases do not produce symptoms until their advanced stages, the importance vision is to quality life, livelihood, and lifestyle, and that once vision is lost it cannot be returned, it is recommended that individuals get an optometrist-performed eye exam annually.

Annual eye exams are especially important for children and seniors, and for those individuals with systemic conditions, such as diabetes.

Searching for an optometrist in Edmonton? Our experienced Edmonton eye doctors use advanced modern technologies and devote upwards of 500% more time towards providing personalized patient care than elsewhere so that they can see more and ensure that you may never see less. Position yourself to see the future with a visit to our eye clinic and Edmonton's best eye care!

Doctor Jennifer Ash, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Jennifer Ash is the Resident Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Ash provides patient care 5 days a week. Read more about Dr. Ash.

Doctor Ruhee Kurji, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Ruhee Kurji is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Kurji provides patient care Tuesdays & Fridays. Read more about Dr. Kurji.

Doctor Jade McLachlin, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Jade McLachlin is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. McLachlin provides patient care 5 days a week. Read more about Dr. McLachlin.

Doctor Jade McLachlin, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Tania Mathews is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Mathews provides patient care 2 days a week. Read more about Dr. Mathews.

Learn Why Our Edmonton Optometrists Are The Best!