Eye-deology Vision Care: Edmonton Optometrists, Opticians and Eyewear

Dilated Eye Exams: Opening The Window To The Retina

Dilated eye exams are one of the specialized and personalized eye care services that Eye-deology Vision Care offers to patients. They are essential because they enable our optometrists to see more of the back of the eye - the retina. Schedule a dilated eye exam with our Edmonton optometrists today, and you will see how and why our eye exams are one of the most thorough and technologically advanced available.

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The view to the back of the eye (i.e., the retina) can sometimes be limited when the pupil is small and not fully dilated. When the pupil is small, an optometrist can see the optic nerve and macula, but the view can sometimes be restricted. Therefore, to see the entire retina, dilation of the pupil is necessary. Optometrists use special eye drops to dilate the eyes.

Dilated eye exams are painless. A patient receives eye drops to dilate (i.e., widen and open) the pupils during a dilated eye exam. It typically requires 15-30 minutes for pupils to become fully dilated. Once the eyes dilate, our optometrists will examine your eyes for health concerns, especially along the outer regions of the retina that are sometimes difficult to view without dilation. The examination includes all of the tests performed in our comprehensive eye exams.

Schedule Dilated Eye Exam
Dilated Eye Exam in Edmonton

Dilating the pupil allows more light to enter the eye — like opening the curtains of a window. Why is this important? Optometrists are like detectives that look for clues of systemic diseases and eye diseases. Dilating the pupil is like choosing to turn on the lights in a room rather than using a flashlight. "Turning on the lights" is extremely helpful for optometrists searching for "clues" of eye disease. Dilation helps our eye doctors see more of the retina to check for eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), that can cause irreversible vision loss.

Schedule Dilated Eye Exam
Dilated Child Eye Exam in Edmonton

Undilated Eye Exam
Dilated Eye Exam

Every individual can benefit from a dilated eye exam, but for some, it may not be necessary every year. How often an individual needs a dilated eye exam depends on their age, pupil size, health, and risk for eye disease. Our Edmonton optometrists always tailor eye care to patient needs, but typically dilated eye exams are required every 1 to 2 years for individuals:

Patients with diabetes or high blood pressure should ask their physician how often they should get an eye exam. Most people with diabetes or high blood pressure require a dilated eye exam at least once a year.

Schedule Dilated Eye Exam
Dilated Eye

Following a dilated eye exam, individuals frequently experience blurry vision and increased sensitivity to light. Therefore, we recommend that patients bring a pair of sunglasses with them and arrange a ride home with a friend or family member following their appointment.

We will happily provide them with a pair of temporary sunglasses or tinted inserts to provide relief as their eyes recover if a patient does not own sunglasses or forgets their sunglasses at home.

If the optometrist finds refractive errors before pursuing dilation, patients should consider eyewear options ahead of receiving the dilation drops or while they take effect - before their vision becomes blurred. This strategy provides the most convenience to the patient while simultaneously maximizing the amount of care extended to them during their visit to the clinic.

Schedule Dilated Eye Exam
Temporary Sunglasses for Dilated Eyes

Searching for an optometrist in Edmonton? Our experienced Edmonton eye doctors use advanced modern technologies and devote upwards of 500% more time towards providing personalized patient care than elsewhere so that they can see more and ensure that you may never see less. Position yourself to see the future with a visit to our eye clinic and Edmonton's best eye care!

Doctor Jennifer Ash, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Jennifer Ash is the Resident Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Ash provides patient care 5 days a week. Read more about Dr. Ash.

Doctor Ruhee Kurji, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Ruhee Kurji is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Kurji provides patient care Tuesdays & Fridays. Read more about Dr. Kurji.

Doctor Jade McLachlin, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Jade McLachlin is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. McLachlin provides patient care 5 days a week. Read more about Dr. McLachlin.

Doctor Jade McLachlin, Eye Doctor (Edmonton)

Dr. Tania Mathews is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Mathews provides patient care 2 days a week. Read more about Dr. Mathews.

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