Prescription Lens Types: See The World Differently
Your eyeglass prescription heavily influences the lens type and index that you require to see your best. Understanding the lens type needed to satisfy your prescription requirements can help you appreciate how your lenses work and the technology, innovation, craftsmanship required for them to serve you best. As a general rule, the greater the eyeglass prescription or imbalance between eyes that an individual has, the greater the need for more advanced, personalized lenses. Be mindful that many advanced lens types are only available through dedicated eye care providers, like eye-deology Vision Careye-deology Vision Care, due to the expertise, care and know-how required to tailor them to patients.
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Single Vision Eyeglasses
Single Vision Lenses: One Clear Vision
Single Vision prescription lenses are the most common type of prescription lenses manufactured. This type of lens features a single field of corrected vision throughout the entire lens that addresses nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and/or astigmatism. Single vision lenses are typically the type of lenses first worn by individuals requiring corrective eyewear.
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Bifocal/Trifocal Lenses: Clear Lines of Sight
Bifocal/Trifocal prescription lenses are a traditional type of multifocal lenses that feature distinct focal zones. Bifocal and trifocal lenses are for individuals who need glasses for distance as well as reading. Instead of having a separate pair of single-vision glasses for each activity, bifocals and trifocals are often a more suitable solution. Unlike single vision lenses, bifocals and trifocals have more than one point of focus or viewing area (distance - driving, intermediate - computer, and near - reading) separated by a distinct, visible line. Bifocals have two points of focus, while trifocals have three. They both represent a traditional multifocal lens design.
Schedule V-eye-P Eyewear FittingMultifocal Eyeglasses
Progressive Lenses: Seamless Multifocal Vision
Progressive prescription lenses are modern multifocal lenses with three viewing areas: distance-, intermediate-, and near vision. However, unlike bifocals and trifocals, there is no visible line between each viewing area. Instead, they have a seamless, invisible design where the power “progressively” changes throughout the lens from distance vision at the middle/top to near vision at the bottom. There is typically a 2-3 week learning/re-learning period when beginning to wear new progressive lenses. New Digital Freeform Progressive lenses, which offer the widest, distortion-free viewing areas, are the best choice for first-time and long-time progressive wearers alike. In addition, they offer the highest level of personalization available, enabling customization for task-specific activities. Learn more about these modern digital freeform progressive lens types here.
Schedule V-eye-P Eyewear FittingSingle Vision Eyeglasses
Anti-Fatigue Lenses: Vision For The Digital Age
Anti-Fatigue prescription lenses (also known as digital prescription lenses) are a new hybrid lens type created specifically with smartphone users and pre-presbyopic individuals in mind. They are a single vision lens with a small ADD at the bottom of the lens to make reading easy, especially for reading text on smartphones. Anti-fatigue lenses uniquely address the demands of the digital age where screens are seemingly everywhere and are often a precursor to multifocal progressive lenses. Like a conventional progressive lens, the transition between viewing areas is invisible.
Schedule V-eye-P Eyewear FittingOur Edmonton Optometrists
Searching for an optometrist in Edmonton? Our experienced Edmonton eye doctors use advanced modern technologies and devote upwards of 500% more time towards providing personalized patient care than elsewhere so that they can see more and ensure that you may never see less. Position yourself to see the future with a visit to our eye clinic and Edmonton's best eye care!
Dr. Jennifer Ash, OD
Dr. Jennifer Ash is the Resident Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Ash provides patient care 5 days a week. Read more about Dr. Ash.
Dr. Ruhee Kurji, OD
Dr. Ruhee Kurji is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Kurji provides patient care Tuesdays & Fridays. Read more about Dr. Kurji.
Dr. Jade McLachlin, OD
Dr. Jade McLachlin is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. McLachlin provides patient care 5 days a week. Read more about Dr. McLachlin.
Dr. Tania Mathews, OD
Dr. Tania Mathews is an Associate Optometrist at Eye-deology Vision Care. Dr. Mathews provides patient care 2 days a week. Read more about Dr. Mathews.
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